Monday, March 29, 2010

HE has done it again!!

Well, HE has done it again! (The HE, of course, is our Lord Jesus!) Done it again is allowing me a first time ever in my life experience yesterday at worship.
A few months ago a young deaf man began coming to our services. A few weeks later, a deaf woman, yesterday another young man.
In the intervening weeks we have ordered the Jesus film in sign language and have prayed for a way to tell them clearly about our Lord.
We found a young man in our church who signs! (Well-kept secret!) So a few Sundays ago, when it was time for the message we placed the 'signer' with our non-hearers in a special section.
Yesterday my heart was heavy and I realized I could not let them leave after the service without presenting the gospel to them.
After service, Mado, Francois and I shared the gospel. Mado and I speaking, Francois using sign language to interpret.
And then one of the most beautiful sights of my life: Three people " signing" the sinner's prayer, asking Jesus to forgive them and wash them in His blood!
As I was sitting facing them, I was able to see every beautiful hand motion, their eyes, their joy!
Well now really..... I do not know how it gets and better than this!
Please be praying for Francois and his wife. We have found a teacher of sign language in town and are trying to line up official lessons so Francois and his wife will become proficient.
I am working on a card that will invite other deaf folks to our services letting them know we have a 'signer'.
We will give the cards to our new believers to hand out to their deaf friends and classmates.
Whew! We fed 100 kids at Kpakpara yesterday! Not sure how many were fed in Navielgan. We will begin Kamkani and Naro in April!
Hidden in the Provider,
Psalm 23

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