Saturday, August 22, 2009

Navielgan, Kpakpara and Kamkaniba Mission Update

The last month has been a whirlwind with a total of 38 folks from the US. A team of 14 stayed here at my place and ministered in the villages of Navielgan and Kpakpara. They are the 2 closest villages to us but it had been many years with no med team, so it was good. More than 1000 were treated The VBS team presented the gospel to more than 300 children. I estimate somewhere between 10-30 made first time professions of faith.

A team of 24 camped out in the village of Kamkaniba. We slept on cots in the former church building ans some of us ( me included) slept in tents. This team encountered incredible attacks the entire let up at all! This includes one of the women in the church being bitten by a bat and us searching for the vaccine and RIG (Rabies immuno globulin) for 2 solid days traveling from KAmkani to Diebougou to Gaoua and finally Ouaga! We had a man speak a curse as he walked around the church building, much opposition and distraction at the morning evangelistic meetings, a cell phone taken, lots and lots of sickness with team members.....unbelievable storms and the final morning winds so strong our tents were lifted out of the ground as it was pouring down rain!

I asked Patrice if in his memory he could remember another team under such attack as this one and neither of us can recall another!

Thank you for praying. Many were treated and many were saved. Ans many are already talking of returning.!

Please be praying for Holly Dotson, she was bitten by a bat. Please pray for Amanda and Jim, they both had the bat land on them. All are in process of following the rabies vaccinations.

The meeting concerning the wind turbine with Jim Dotson went extremely well and we received official permission to proceed while Jim was here. SO he traveled stateside with a copy of official government approval in hand!

Mado had her baby with no complications!
Celine is ready for her delivery!
Maturin's wife had her baby, no complications.

The joint team of 14 took an offering to send one of our children to the children's hospital in Ouaga fro a consult to see what can be done for his ear/eye.

John Mark and Sandrive are doing well and in the process of building a larger home.

The dedictaion of the new church in Kamkani was celebrated our last evening there and culminated by our celebrating the Lord's Supper together!

Please be praying for the next 3 teams: 2 in October: leadership formation; construction and evangelism; November with Jim Dotson for further work on the wind turbine.

Please pray for our health, I currently have laryngitis and bronchitis, Patrice has a bad cold as well. We spent a lot of time wet and cold in Kamkani, along with all the other team members. My ole body just does not withstand things like before. ( Nope...I ain't gonna tell my age!) I am in my 13th year here...and some things are taking its toll! But our Lord is my Strength and Healer and Hope!

All is well.
Thank you for praying.

We head to Ouaga next week. Patrice will be working on leader training in Sept. I will be working on radio programs and new book " A FIERY PASSION"

Much love in Christ as I remain Hidden in Him,
PS 91

Preparations For The Team

We are busy making last minute preparations for the team!

After much running around, phone calls, meetings, we finally know the "who" that has authority to give us the authorisation for the wind turbine. Patrice is at their office as I type this. We had a very long and very productive meeting with the government official who has authority over all community activities in this region.

Apparently the Burkina Faso government is VERY interested in the natural production of electricity which does not depend on gasoline or water! Jim, when you are here, you will accompany me, Cheryl, Amanda and possibly Patrice on Aug 5 to look at our ministry property. You will also accompany us to the village of Balembar to see the property we just were given which sits atop a "colline" our definition of a small mountain or tall hill!

If you are able to return in November we will be able to spend more concerted time in the capital to visit warehouses and see materials, prices, etc.

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