Thursday, October 21, 2010

Prayers and Updates

For our pray-ers:
Wow! So sorry it has been months since you last heard from me!!! I have been doing a lot of traveling by air and car as well as lots of speaking, etc.
1.) Elisee is much better. Please pray that the scars will fade.
Our young Sanya has had her cleft palate surgery! I will see her soon and get photos!
2.) Our leaders are doing well and faithfully serving our Lord!
3.) The youth study/activity building is completed!
4.) We now have a baptistry in the Lobi village of Tjenjero with 30 ready to be baptized.
5.) The Lord has raised up new partners for Shattering Darkness.
6.) Visits to ND,Montana, Texas, Nevada, Georgia, NC, SC, Fla all marvelous. Time with family in Pa was wonderful.
7.) Our Lord has provided funding for us to build a Christian school, K-6 upon my return 'home' to Burkina!!!!!
1.) Please pray that our ministry team will be sensitive to the voice of God and obedient to His call.
2.) Please pray for our Shattering Darkness Board of Directors meeting being held this week, Thursday-Saturday( Oct 21-23) We need our Lord's vision and resources and insight!
3.) Please pray that the Lord will protect the health of our ministry leaders in Burkina.
4.) Please pray that our Lord will renew Patrice's strength..He is weary!
5.) Please pray for my trip to Delaware as I speak with a partner church there 10/30-31.
6.) Please pray for my time with family in November and safe trip home 11/18. I arrive in Burkina 11/19 and we have an Impact Team of 20 arriving 11/20!! We go straight from the capital to an interior village, staying in tents. This is a medical team.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your standing (and kneeling) with us in prayer mean everything to us!
Hidden in the One Shattering Darkness,
Isaiah 9:2

Sunday, August 29, 2010

US Tour Update

Greetings, Bloggers.
Here are some current updates.
1.) I am settled in Clermont, Florida at the missionary house sponsored by First Baptist Church Clermont.
2.) Our precious Larissa, the 4 year old with AIDS, has died. Thank you for praying for her!
3.) Our precious Sanya, the 8 year old with cleft pallete, has had the surgery and is now back at home! Thank you for praying for her.
4.) The time in N.D., Montana and Texas was marvelous. The Lord has placed so many of His choice people in my life and they minister to me in so many, many ways.
5.) Construction is nearing completion for our youth building at our Ministry Center.
6.) Construction of 2 storage buildings as well as the children's building will begin at the Ministry Center by the end of November.
7.) The November medical Impact Team will be ministering in the village of Tenkiedougou. We will be staying in tents and setting up the clinic in the church building.
8.) Please continue praying for our ministry team in Burkina. Please pray for their safety and health and marriage and families.
9.) SD Board member Nancy Kort is helping me revise and update 'DOES THE HURTING EVER STOP?' the book I wrote over 20 years ago!!
Our Lord is marvelous! He is faithful, so very faithful! Enjoy Him

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Greetings from Pennsylvania!

Here are a few updates as i head out to North Dakota, Montana and Texas.

1.) The surgery for our little Sanya has been put on hold once again! I do not know if it is because of her anemia or something else. I will keep you posted, please continue to pray for her.

2.) Our little girl, Larissa, with AIDS is still hospitalized and showing no response to the AIDS drugs. She is 4 years old!

3.) Construction of the youth building is under way!

4.) All good news of the ministry in Burkina other than our church at Navielgan. There are many internal problems and all of our efforts to resolve the issues fail. Please pray for Patrice, Bassa, Frederic and Romar as they continue to seek ways to resolve the issues.

5.) Please pray for me Sunday, July 25 and August1. I will be speaking at 4 different churches both in North Dakota and also Montana. From July 23 until August 6 I will also be speaking to a Lions Club, Children Bible Study, have a book signing for A GOD STORY,and have a meeting with the new pastor of FBC Williston. In addition, I will be meeting with many of the team members that have been to Burkina the last 3 years.

6.) I head to Texas on August 6. I speak at Sagamore Baptist August 8 along with a book signing the same evening. I will be in Texas until August 29 re-writing 'DOES THE HURTING EVER STOP' as well as the rough draft of ' A FIERY PASSION'. Please be praying for me and Nancy Kort, who will be editing the works.

7.) August 26 there will be a book signing and reception hosted by the Pregnancy Center of FBC Orlando.

8.) Please continue to pray especially for Patrice, Romar, Pascal, Mado and Celine as they hold the ropes and advance the ministry in my absence. Please pray for their strength, their marriages, the safety of their children, their physical and spiritual health.

Thank you!

Hidden in the One Shattering Darkness,
Ps 91

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We never know!

We never know!

In the early 1980's, my husband Bob and I were teaching a college and career Bible Study at our church, First Baptist Church, Orlando. In the class was a young man who was a whizz at basketball in high school. He was a joy to have as a member in the class.

When I was stateside in 2006 I was at a Bible Study social and saw the young man's parents! I was thrilled to sit with them and catch up with the news of their son. Married. Father. Attorney. Faithful in his faith-walk and professional and personal life! What a thrill!

While stateside in 2008 I had the pleasure of breaking bread with the young man's parents a few times and I grew to love and respect and value them. I have been lookng forward to this time stateside to once again have time with them.


PAID IN FULL! IT IS FINISHED. Our Savior said it from Calvary more than 2000 years ago! He said it again this morning!

We never know. Whose life are you touching today that will touch eternity 25 years from now? Whose life are you investing in? Whose life are you praying for?

Please.....rejoice with me in our Savior! Our Provider! Our Lord!
Please join me in thanking our Lord for all who have contributed toward this building which will change the lives of young people for eternity!


Hidden in the One Who Provides ( And who knows our hearts and our passons!)
Ps 50:10-15

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A common Faith in our Beloved Jesus

Dear Brethren in the Faith and the Fight,
A common Faith in our Beloved Jesus.
A common fight for the lives, education, heath and safety of countless children at-risk in our sin-sick and calloused world.
Many of our children live in homes with only one parent. Most are in homes with NO saved parent or siblings. For each and all of them, we are their spiritual parent, sister, brother, uncle, friend.

Although the government provides a lot of school materials, children arrive home at nightfall with no way to do homework or review their classwork. Most parents will not use the kerosene in their lamps for the children's studies!
In this country, lack of education is a certain failure for the future. More and more land is being taken away from the farmers by the government. More and more land is over-used and no longer fertile. The common work of farming is decaying and many children flee their homes to go to the city to find money in any way possible.
Our young people are confronted with the same issues as American young people. Drugs. Immorality. Porn. R-rated movies. Gambling. Cigarettes. Boring week-ends. Influence from lost friends.
We currently minister to 140 2-9 year olds in over-crowded conditions on Sunday mornings. We keep 10+ in with the adults in worship because we have no space for them in our former 'office building'.
We have a dream to begin daycare-6th grade. We want hundreds of local children to hear of Christ before their lives are captured by ancient traditions and practices of their heritage. Before they are forced by their parents to undergo occultic tribal initiation rites! Before they are sent off by their parents to other relatives.
One major need is classroom space.
This request in no way downplays the needs children encounter in other countries of the world. However, there are times needs are not met because needs are not made known.
We want you to know the needs we face daily. We want you to know of a place where your generosity and partnership and care and prayers can touch hundreds with the love of Jesus Christ for His honor and glory and perfect plan.
Thank you for considering this submission and may our Glorious Lord guide you into all wisdom and His Heart's Cry for your effort in 2010 and beyond.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He turn His face upon you and grant you His peace.
Ministry Staff
Board of Directors
Shattering Darkness Ministries
PS 50:10-15

Monday, May 3, 2010

$8000.00 already received and designated toward the youth building!!!!

Please join us in Praising God for what He has already done... and for what we are BELIEVING He will do...
Many of you are aware a main reason for making my upcoming trip to the US is to raise $20,000.00 in order to build a 'youth' building at our main ministry campus.
It will be used by school students during the week to study with light. Friday and Saturday it will be for older youth and young adults to have a 'safe place' to spend their leisure time.
It will be used Sundays to teach more than 150 children and youth age appropriate Bible Studies.
Thus it will be used 7 days a week!
(We have details and artist rendering on our website:
Moments ago I opened an email from the Pastor of Global Missions at First Baptist Church, Orlando. (Rev Bill Mitchell serves on our advisory Board).
His email informed me he has received funds and a challenge to do 'matching gifts' in order to raise the 20,000.00. The challenge includes $8000.00 already received and designated toward the youth building!!!!
If we receive the matching $8000.00 from individuals or churches..we will be within $4000.00 of meeting the goal!!
Pray with us. Thank God along with us. If our Lord leads...please be a part of our matching funds challenge to the Honor and Glory of our King!
Hidden in the One Shattering Darkness,
Ps 50:10-15

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


PRAISE: We have received funds for the baptistry to be built in Tjenjera, funds for the children's building in Nakar, church addition in Nakar, and two outhouses in Nakar, and a substantial gift toward the Water 4 Life and solar energy Project!!!


Monday, March 29, 2010

HE has done it again!!

Well, HE has done it again! (The HE, of course, is our Lord Jesus!) Done it again is allowing me a first time ever in my life experience yesterday at worship.
A few months ago a young deaf man began coming to our services. A few weeks later, a deaf woman, yesterday another young man.
In the intervening weeks we have ordered the Jesus film in sign language and have prayed for a way to tell them clearly about our Lord.
We found a young man in our church who signs! (Well-kept secret!) So a few Sundays ago, when it was time for the message we placed the 'signer' with our non-hearers in a special section.
Yesterday my heart was heavy and I realized I could not let them leave after the service without presenting the gospel to them.
After service, Mado, Francois and I shared the gospel. Mado and I speaking, Francois using sign language to interpret.
And then one of the most beautiful sights of my life: Three people " signing" the sinner's prayer, asking Jesus to forgive them and wash them in His blood!
As I was sitting facing them, I was able to see every beautiful hand motion, their eyes, their joy!
Well now really..... I do not know how it gets and better than this!
Please be praying for Francois and his wife. We have found a teacher of sign language in town and are trying to line up official lessons so Francois and his wife will become proficient.
I am working on a card that will invite other deaf folks to our services letting them know we have a 'signer'.
We will give the cards to our new believers to hand out to their deaf friends and classmates.
Whew! We fed 100 kids at Kpakpara yesterday! Not sure how many were fed in Navielgan. We will begin Kamkani and Naro in April!
Hidden in the Provider,
Psalm 23

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ever notice we can not out give our Heavenly Father?

Ever notice we can not out give our Heavenly Father? Ever notice we can not even stay 'current' in praising Him? Our recent e-newsletter briefly told of three women whose generous giving and planning was used by our Lord to affirm to my heart that Shattering Darkness is His ministry, His vision, His responsibility to provide for!

I am still in awe of His goodness and the unique ways our Lord has to comfort and assure and encourage us!

A week or so ago I received an email from a single youth Pastor who has served here with us two times in recent years. On his return home in January he proposed to the love of his heart and she said; " Oh! Yes!!" ( Or something similar I am sure)

A few days later they contacted me. The gist of the email follows: We are bringing to our marriage two households as we both have been living on our own. We have everything we need. So we want to 'gift' Shattering Darkness. We would like some ideas that we can pass along to those who normally would be giving us wedding gifts.

Well now....really!? The outcome as of today is that this young couple, in the throes of all that planning a wedding entails, are asking people to write checks to Shattering Darkness and indicating one of two things: Our 'Feed His Children' ministry or our 'Water4Life' effort!!

How about that? What a mighty God we serve!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

God Answered Our Prayers For Wireless Internet

So folks, here is the abridged scenario........Ready to cry or pull my hair our or throw my computer against a wall.......after 2 weeks of no internet service, 30-40 dial-ups at a time just to connect and maybe have a 5 minute window before thrown off....I drove to the phone office.

In the assistant manager's office I spoke to two men and tried to be calm and hospitable and coherent. I explained the problem.

Please understand, in the African culture/context, no matter what the issue, the response is: "No problem." HUH!

I nicely stated that I did not want to be told to be patient, the small problem would be fixed shortly, or that it was someone else' problem, etc. I was there to expose the problem, the impossibility of leading an international ministry without contacting ministry partners, and I asked their counsel.

One of the men suggested a 'Telephone Memory Stick' ( which I had just purchased and found no one in the office that knew how to program it!!) but the assistant director said the phone sticks DO NOT WORK in Diebougou!!! ( I stayed quiet at this juncture, rather than let them know I had purchased one from a departing missy and never thought to inquire if it would work in our region!)

The assistant director then said...." Well, we could connect you up with wireless, if that would interest you."


Although fairly HAS NOT been publicized here because they thought no one would be interested in paying for it!


Now, in theory, I now have wireless for 24/7 at a cost of $67.00 a month. I am writing to each of you from my computer hooked to my wireless!!!!!

Now... many of our Board members have been praying about this issue for a while. A few of them have done research on systems that can be bought from the U.S. Patrice had done research on a satellite system here that would have been $5000-6000 the first year!

And now... what happens... for a hook up of $178.00 I have the antenna, modem, phone and am set to go!

A GOD STORY indeed!

Prayer In Africa

You are able to accomplish more from Africa, with no phones, no electric, no money, and so much computer down time than I can accomplish with all of that and more – but you have the best communication going – through prayer.

Love ya!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'd Rather Visit Afric aThan Walt Disney World

I pray that all is well. I've been praying for you and all that minister with you in Burkina Faso. I've wept and rejoiced with you over the year as I read the emails forwarded by Karen. You are a dear sister and I want you to know that Mikala and I think of you. Mikala told me she'd rather visit Africa than Disney World. lol. Even as I type this email she's telling me to tell you she loves all of you. I love all of you, too. I pray that God meets EVERY need for you, your family, and Shattering Darkness.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17 ESV)

I Was So Blessed...

Hi, Lynn,

I just wanted you to know that I have just finished reading your book and I was SO blessed….AND challenged. It surely was easy to see the hand of the Holy Spirit that was leading you in writing…and gifting you to do so in a way that made it CLEAR that God was at work doing what only HE can do in those situations. I suspect there will be no limits as to how the Lord can use your book….with people in all stages of their spiritual journey. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write it and to thank you friend for sending it to me. She actually sent 2 books and I have given the second one to someone who will be equally blessed and challenged. God bless you, dear friend. Keep up the good work….or should I say, let the Lord keep us His good work in you!

Love and prayers,
