Monday, March 29, 2010

HE has done it again!!

Well, HE has done it again! (The HE, of course, is our Lord Jesus!) Done it again is allowing me a first time ever in my life experience yesterday at worship.
A few months ago a young deaf man began coming to our services. A few weeks later, a deaf woman, yesterday another young man.
In the intervening weeks we have ordered the Jesus film in sign language and have prayed for a way to tell them clearly about our Lord.
We found a young man in our church who signs! (Well-kept secret!) So a few Sundays ago, when it was time for the message we placed the 'signer' with our non-hearers in a special section.
Yesterday my heart was heavy and I realized I could not let them leave after the service without presenting the gospel to them.
After service, Mado, Francois and I shared the gospel. Mado and I speaking, Francois using sign language to interpret.
And then one of the most beautiful sights of my life: Three people " signing" the sinner's prayer, asking Jesus to forgive them and wash them in His blood!
As I was sitting facing them, I was able to see every beautiful hand motion, their eyes, their joy!
Well now really..... I do not know how it gets and better than this!
Please be praying for Francois and his wife. We have found a teacher of sign language in town and are trying to line up official lessons so Francois and his wife will become proficient.
I am working on a card that will invite other deaf folks to our services letting them know we have a 'signer'.
We will give the cards to our new believers to hand out to their deaf friends and classmates.
Whew! We fed 100 kids at Kpakpara yesterday! Not sure how many were fed in Navielgan. We will begin Kamkani and Naro in April!
Hidden in the Provider,
Psalm 23

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ever notice we can not out give our Heavenly Father?

Ever notice we can not out give our Heavenly Father? Ever notice we can not even stay 'current' in praising Him? Our recent e-newsletter briefly told of three women whose generous giving and planning was used by our Lord to affirm to my heart that Shattering Darkness is His ministry, His vision, His responsibility to provide for!

I am still in awe of His goodness and the unique ways our Lord has to comfort and assure and encourage us!

A week or so ago I received an email from a single youth Pastor who has served here with us two times in recent years. On his return home in January he proposed to the love of his heart and she said; " Oh! Yes!!" ( Or something similar I am sure)

A few days later they contacted me. The gist of the email follows: We are bringing to our marriage two households as we both have been living on our own. We have everything we need. So we want to 'gift' Shattering Darkness. We would like some ideas that we can pass along to those who normally would be giving us wedding gifts.

Well now....really!? The outcome as of today is that this young couple, in the throes of all that planning a wedding entails, are asking people to write checks to Shattering Darkness and indicating one of two things: Our 'Feed His Children' ministry or our 'Water4Life' effort!!

How about that? What a mighty God we serve!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

God Answered Our Prayers For Wireless Internet

So folks, here is the abridged scenario........Ready to cry or pull my hair our or throw my computer against a wall.......after 2 weeks of no internet service, 30-40 dial-ups at a time just to connect and maybe have a 5 minute window before thrown off....I drove to the phone office.

In the assistant manager's office I spoke to two men and tried to be calm and hospitable and coherent. I explained the problem.

Please understand, in the African culture/context, no matter what the issue, the response is: "No problem." HUH!

I nicely stated that I did not want to be told to be patient, the small problem would be fixed shortly, or that it was someone else' problem, etc. I was there to expose the problem, the impossibility of leading an international ministry without contacting ministry partners, and I asked their counsel.

One of the men suggested a 'Telephone Memory Stick' ( which I had just purchased and found no one in the office that knew how to program it!!) but the assistant director said the phone sticks DO NOT WORK in Diebougou!!! ( I stayed quiet at this juncture, rather than let them know I had purchased one from a departing missy and never thought to inquire if it would work in our region!)

The assistant director then said...." Well, we could connect you up with wireless, if that would interest you."


Although fairly HAS NOT been publicized here because they thought no one would be interested in paying for it!


Now, in theory, I now have wireless for 24/7 at a cost of $67.00 a month. I am writing to each of you from my computer hooked to my wireless!!!!!

Now... many of our Board members have been praying about this issue for a while. A few of them have done research on systems that can be bought from the U.S. Patrice had done research on a satellite system here that would have been $5000-6000 the first year!

And now... what happens... for a hook up of $178.00 I have the antenna, modem, phone and am set to go!

A GOD STORY indeed!

Prayer In Africa

You are able to accomplish more from Africa, with no phones, no electric, no money, and so much computer down time than I can accomplish with all of that and more – but you have the best communication going – through prayer.

Love ya!