Sunday, November 15, 2009

I Just Finished Reading Your Book..." A God Story"

Hi Lynn,

I jus
t finished reading your book "A God Story" and loved it! I can hear you talking all the way through it. You are so disciplined to have written things down and aren't you glad as you try to remember everything. I wish I had done more of that over the years.

God is so wonderful to give us memories but mine fade too often.

Thank you for sharing your life, it is an inspiration to us all.

Listening for the trumpet,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We Accept The Good And The Sad

Dear partners in the Faith and the Fight,

Once again the phone has been out of order for days... but perhaps this time it was to allow me a few days to pray prior to sending this email.

I wrote a few weeks ago, that our new sister in the Faith, Franceline, died as a result of her injuries and loss of blood. This past Sunday, her mother-in-law came to church and at the invitation time came forward and gave her life to follow our Christ! In her hands to she had her grand-son, Franceline's baby boy. I saw he was very, very malnourished. We spent Sunday afternoon arranging everything for grandma and baby to enter the malnutrition center Monday morning. Late Sunday night we received word that the baby died! Oh! How I have wept! My face is still swollen from my tears!

Sunday afternoon we also received word of a person drowning, he tried to cross a normally dry river bed, now flowing because of the rains! We also heard that another person with him was bitten by a snake!

We returned home after church on Sunday to find a hatchet, huge hammer and spike left at the door of Patrice's office where the thief tried breaking in the door and when that did not work smashing the cement around the window frame! Apparently, we got home earlier than usual and surprised him/them and they hopped over the back wall! The office not only has the safe, 2 computers, radio, copy machine, etc!!! I guess what saddens me the most is the fact with all the noise they had to have made in addition to our German Shepherd barking.....our neighbors knew what was going on and the perpetraitor. And they have said absolutlely nothing.

The police went to talk with the two teens that broke into my place and stole nearly 2000 during the summer. In all likelihood it was the same 2 young men! Celine and I had all the kids in the car with us and got home a few moments before Patrice who had gone to church early on the moto. way around it..... Sunday was not a real good day in an earthly sense.

However.....a woman got saved! A baby went to heaven! A baby was born! And people walking home after following ancient burial practices were reminded..albeit in a tragic way....that none of us are guaranteed the next step. The Lord saw the 'bad guys' and He will take care of the details.

So in our Father's way...Sunday was a victory!
May He help me to see through HIS eyes!
Please pray for us in these days.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Interested In What A "Typical" Day In Burkina Faso Is Like?

Wow! For those interested in our "typical" day...
Sunday 3 AM,Oct 25, Rev Bill Mitchell, Global Impact Missions Pastor at FBC Orlando arrives in Ouagadougou. We drove straight to our Ministry Center church where Bro Bill brought the message to a packed church of about 300-350 people!
Sunday evening Pastor Bob Stewart, founder of Commission Ministries arrived from 4 weeks of teaching in Ghana to begin a week long Leadership Training Seminar with 76 of our leaders who arrived from all outlying areas Saturday and Sunday.
Monday, Oct 26 Pastor Bob taught and I translated as Patrice and Bro Bill toured half of our churches then picked us up at 5PM.
Tuesday, Oct 27 was pretty much a repeat of the prior day, with our finishing up about 4PM.
Wednesday, Oct 28 Rev Bill Mitchell taught our morning session so our leaders could hear a bit of his heart and passion. We left straight form the Ministry Center from Ouagadougou where he flew out that evening. Pastor Womde from the seminary in Ghana taught the afternoon session and David translated for him.
Wednesday, Oct 28 when we arrived in Ouagadougou, we met Rev Larry McFadden from McFadden Ministries.
Thursday, Oct 29 Bro Bill flew to Rome at 4AM while Rev Larry and I drove to Diebougou at 5AM and continued to the Training Center where he taught all the daily sessions!
Friday, Oct 30 Bro Larry and Bro Bob shared the sessions for the day. We had an evangelistic preaching service Friday evening and had nearly 300-350 once again in the service. Many, many for the first time!
Saturday, Oct 31 we left early for Ouagadougou where Pastors Bobby and Larry continued to Ghana to teach for the week!
Tuesday through Friday from 4-6 our leaders (in 11 groups) went hut to hut to pray for the inhabitants, to witness and to invite them to the Friday evening service. They then rested and ate and began showing the films Jesus and The Solution each evening.
Sunday, Nov 1: 14 PEOPLE REPENTED AND GAVE THEIR LIVES TO CHRIST IN THE MORNING SERVICE AT THE FORMATION CENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I just received the phone call!!!!!!!)
Oh! Glorious, Glorious Lord Jesus!!!!