Monday, September 14, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request

In early July we hosted a med team at our ministry center. Each morning we began with a praise and worship service presenting Jesus to many people for the first time. We never know who the Lord touches or what the future will hold. A woman came to one of the services with her 18 month old. She never came again.
About a week ago we heard of a woman in the local hospital. Her husband's girlfriend had pushed her into a vat of boiling beer and held her down in order to kill her! All the people in the bar ran away so they would not have to be a witness!!!! The skin on her entire body was burned!
Miraculously, the wife did not die! She has been in the local hospital approx 3 weeks. The day I heard of the situation I spoke with the deacons and pastor at our ministry center and said we had to do something. We needed to be a witness for Christ.
The following day Patrice and I went to the hospital and spoke with the nurse and doctor. We spoke with the mother in law. We entered the hospital room and prayed for the woman who was sleeping.
Celine and I prayed last night that the Lord would bring the woman to a point of being able to understand the gospel and to give us words that would be comforting and yet compelling for her.
This AM Patrice went to the hospital to see what meds were needed for her and to get an update. The woman was awake and he was able to speak with her and pray for her.
He advised the Lord had saved her physical life to give her an opportunity to hear His Word. She told him she had visited our church during the med team. She said she had enjoyed the music but once leaving forgot everything. A few nights ago, 3AM she awoke and was humming the song....over and over and over..... the song says the satan is calling and God is must choose who you will follow!!!!
Please please pray...Celine and I are going to the hospital in about an hour to share the gospel with her.
Please pray for us and her.
I regret I do not know her name.....but our Glorious Lord does!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Urgent Prayer

Beloved and coveted partners with Shattering Darkness Ministries,

Many (All) of you realize what an incredible role my home church, FBC Orlando plays with the on-going ministry of Shattering Darkness.

We continue to praise our Lord for the miracle truck, for the prayers and for the teams that have come.

In recent days the desire of Bill Mitchell, Global Missions Pastor at First Orlando, visiting here and 3 other locations became a strong possibility. As of a few minutes ago it seems travel arrangements for the other 3 countries fell into place with Burkina Faso presenting the only problem. (The airline requires a 6 night stay or a price of 2500!!!!!! If Brother Bill spends 6 nights in Burkina, the other visits will not be possible.)

Please pray that our Gracious Lord will open doors, bring clarity, etc. Bro. Bill has held the ropes, advocated for SD, sought ministry partners, given counsel, etc etc ....but has never been able to be here and see first hand just a bit of what our Glorious Lord is doing.

These plans need to be finalized quickly. So please fervently pray...and we shall wait.

Thank you...
Thank you



Much love

Never forget that we do what we do BECAUSE:


Hidden in the One Shattering Darkness,
Isaiah 9:1-2

Dear Cheryl and Impact Team Memebers

Thank you, thank you, thank words can express our thanks for the eternal impact you made on the village of Kamkani and surrounding areas! You cleaned and dressed wounds, did malaria tests, treated the sick, dispensed meds, held children, played soccer with them, prayed with our folks, helped shatter darkness and liberate people from their idols and fetiches. You were submissive and respectful to all of our leaders. You were attentive at all services and danced like one of us!! Thank you for worshiping our Savior, Lord and King with us! Pastor Ben..thank you for all the efort in message prep. Thank you for leading us in the dedication of the worship building.

Some of you approached me and asked me to send what I spoke about sacrifice.

" When we are tempted to refer to our service of our King as sacrifice or suffering, we need to pause. We need to take a good, long look at the Cross of Calvary. It is there and only there that we look upon and thus experience suffering ans Sacrifice. From the moment you or I encounter the Christ of Calvary; each step we take forward is to be counted as PRIVILEGE!"

Hot? Wet? Wind tossed? Hungry? Tired? Frustrated? Thirsty? For the service of our King?????

Privilege my Beloved. Count it all privilege.

Thank you for your service, smiles, hugs, "nuggets" going with the flow..

Please continue to pray so that you guard only those things which are pure and holy and edifying in your memory bank. Do not let the thoughts of irritations and pressures and multitudes and unplanned occurrences rob you of the joy of our Lord and His good pleasure of your service in His Name.

I will keep you informed of services and attendance at the new church in Kamkani.

Love in Christ as I remain Hidden in Him,
Lynn ( " Wafati")
PS 91